The Zenophobia Saga Book 6
The final volume of this exciting all-new Zenophobia trilogy!
Time’s run out for the zenos of Hinteran space. The devourers from the Pacjolal disc world have come to ravage every world, strip them of their resources. A merciless, all-consuming enemy which cannot be reasoned with. Even with the combined space fleets of Oterosan, Angelos, Medvegrad, and Cornelior working together, there doesn’t seem to be much hope of repelling the semi-intelligent machines.
But Sankar—the Heretic of Oterosan—has finally established contact with forces from Earth! Or at least, a Confederation of colonies descended from Earth long past. They aren’t the near-omnipotent people Sankar had secretly hoped, but they might be Sankar’s best and only allies against the machine menace which threatens to devour the zeno universe whole.
Meanwhile, the civil war on Golongal has exploded, with Arbai and her villainous crew threatening to destroy the planet, lest they forfeit it to Junak and the crew of the Bilkinmore, who’re determined to drive Arbai from her throne of power, and liberate the Golongans from tyranny. But can they do it in the midst of a galactic cataclysm? What hope does a single, fledgling planet have against a foe which only sees Golongal as raw material?
This is the ultimate entry in the Zenophobia saga! With Sankar and the Veracity Corporation facing impossible odds, their success means an exciting epoch of galactic exploration, breaking the boundaries of Hinteran space, and bringing all of the worlds into a new era of understand and prosperity. Their failure means the loss of every planet, and every zeno.
The stakes are epic. Read it today.