Looks like my visa to Russia has been granted. We will be in Moscow for four days in July. I had to write a separate letter of explanation regarding my untimely departure back in 2001, but those were different times. It’s been 18 years. Big friendly handshake now 🙂
Park Pobedy, here we come.

Mystically Engineered 3 – Dragon Redemption (Valerie Emerson) is with the editor now. I’m looking to publish that one on April 29th, if we can.
End Days 4 – Begin Again (EE Isherwood) is done and edited. I hadn’t ordered up the cover early enough, so we’re waiting, but the cover designer is fabulous and has already given us a styling draft, so look for End Days 4 on April 22nd.
Bad Company 6 (me) is over 50% complete:) It is rolling along well. We want to publish this one on May 6th.
Superdreadnought 6 (Tim Marquitz) is getting there as well. I should have that one in hand in a week or so.
Metal Legion 6 is finally underway, too. Look for that in the middle of May.
Nightwalker 2, 3, and 4 are ready for publication on April 22nd, May 6, and May 20.
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