- Publisher: Craig Martelle
- Available in: Kindle, Paperback
- Published: June 20, 2019
Humanity must live! The rallying cry of the humanoids.
Humanity must die if the ship is to live! The rallying cry of the Red Androids.
The barrier between the decks is breached. The Red Androids prepare for war with anyone who would prevent them from reaching their goal, nothing less than the complete takeover of the Starship Warden, a massive colony ship that survived a radiation tragedy.
None aboard know that they are still on a ship, except for the androids. They know. And they believe it is their destiny to lead the ship to its true and final destination. But the humans are in the way.
A young man, Finnur Starsign becomes the newest Journeyman seeking technology to help the people of his village. He stumbles across too many secrets, too many enemies. He’s looking for allies, but they’re not looking for him.
The Red Androids are out there, and they are multiplying. Can Finnur and his mate win them over before the humans are destroyed?
Pick this book up today and join those who fly between the stars.
Metamorphosis Alpha® is the world’s first science fiction role-playing game. Developed by James M. Ward for the then fledgling TSR®, the game took off and quickly became a fan favorite. Here we are, more than forty years later, still enjoying the world that Jim created. Craig bought his copy in 1978 when it first came out, by mail order. He has been on the Starship Warden ever since.
This book is written where Jim and Craig alternated chapters. You’ll see the two different styles where Jim took the Red Androids and Craig took the humans. We melded it all together, going back and forth over the course of a year as we fought through some real-life issues. Craig is happy to say, in the tradition of John Carter of Mars, we still live!