If aliens didn’t exist, we would invent them to explain the inexplicable
More Autumn pictures because it’s still the season. Temps are holding steady – high 30s to mid 50s Fahrenheit – but the leaves have accelerated their descent. It finally stopped raining. That was almost every day for about six weeks. I think we are now into the post rainy season.

If you zoom in on this picture, you’ll see a pink tape on the tree – they just surveyed this property (40 acres) to identify the protected wetlands within it. The pink ribbons highlight a lot of the land, none of which we walk on. I think there might be 15 acres usable out of the 40.

A view of the color changes against a light blue sky.

The Expanding Universe 8!
This is the science fiction anthology I publish each year. This year, we have eight excellent stories placed in future worlds with humanity doing great (and not so great) things. My story in this volume is “For the World Is Hollow,” in a hat tip to the Star Trek Original Series episode of the same name. A different take on the same idea. I hope you like it. What happens when two scientists, the best in their fields, come to opposite conclusions? For the world is hollow, and I have touched the sky… Read it today.

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Explore the universe… with the 8th Volume of The Expanding Universe
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” Arthur C Clarke penned those words, and they stand true to this day. Do we want to be alone? Leave it to science fiction authors to address that question in equal measure.
Aliens can be peaceful or not. Who will emerge as the superior strain of intelligence? Humanity may be new to the game, but they aren’t new to conflict.
Fantastic races vying for dominance. A microcosm of the greater good. Battles fought for higher ideals. Battles fought just to survive.
War doesn’t care about human or alien. The soldiers fight, and they fight hard, as if their lives depend on it. Because they do.

Legend Rising – Book #1 in the new Galactic Guardians series by Jonathan Yanez!

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My name is Max Tyco.
I will become the most powerful Guardian in the Universe.
This is my story.
Max Tyco is a truck driver on the road more days than he’s home. Events are about to transpire that will lead this everyday Joe on an adventure of a lifetime. Things like traveling through space, starships, alien monsters, and blasters have all been daydreams, until now.
The Rowki is a fraternity of inter-galactic guardians tasked with keeping the balance between the light and the darkness. A call for help from the oldest galaxy in the universe and the central planet in that galaxy will uncover an ancient secret that could mean the end of the universe as we know it.
Chosen for the depth of his potential, Max will have to commit to the Rowki or decide to go back home and forget he ever knew the truth. But the truth is out there and more horrifying than he could ever expect.
KING SUMO Raffle – Winners!
We have awarded the two HD8 Kindles to Brian and Jessica and the HD10 to Richelle. Congratulations! Just waiting on the winner of the Kindle Paperwhite to confirm. Thank you all for applying and for being members of my newsletter. I hope it’s entertaining and informative and that you remain on my list. I’ll run more giveaways as I have way too much stuff…

What’s next?
Battleship Leviathan 5 – Leviathan Rises! is coming next week, at midnight on September 26 for those who pre-ordered.
Here’s a couple of my insider team’s comments:
“Wow! Edge of your seat action start to finish.”
“Another superb Battleship Leviathan. I think the fans will really enjoy it.”
Delivery remains Sep 27 since we already set up a bunch of paid promotions to get the word out about this series. Battleship Leviathan #1 will be Free from Sep 27 to Oct 1 during that time. If you haven’t jumped on board this series, that will be the time to dive in. Book #2 will be on sale for 99 cents during those five days, too.

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Battleship Leviathan #6 – Leviathan’s Fear, the final book in the Battleship Leviathan series is ready to go. This one publishes on October 25, and the preorder link is live!

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Jack Foster #5 – You Don’t Know Jack is finished, edited, proofread, and uploaded to Amazon for publishing on September 30. I think I have a good mix of John’s approach and my economy of words to deliver a grand adventure painted on the backdrop of the space surrounding Jack’s Planet. I hope you like it. And the paperback is already available, if that’s how you prefer to read.
If you’d like to start the series, to be ready when #5 publishes, click the link below and then go to the series page. You’ll find Violent Graduation at the top of the list. The entire series is available in Kindle Unlimited for your reading convenience.

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Glory 2 – Humanity Strikes Back! I keep forgetting to mention it. This book is almost finished. Ira is doing a great job maintaining the frenetic pace that drives this book. We’re at 125k words and still have a bit to go. The first book was 135k words and Glory 2 might come in around 150k. Massive stories within an immense universe.

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Until next week. Peace, fellow humans.
Stop by my website for more – immerse yourself in the fantastic worlds of Craig Martelle

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