Bring the Payne! Team Payne, that is. He is back along with his whole team facing a terrifying alien from somewhere beyond known space…
Stanley! What a good boy he is. From kitchen to living room… my sausage is his sausage, or so he thinks. I toss small pieces for him, and his catching has remarkably improved. Practice makes perfect. He was five for five the other day.

Kids were playing down the road, and Stanley loves children. He wants to go hang out with them. He was disappointed when I wouldn’t let him take himself down there. This was early evening, the sun was still high in the sky, but on the other side of the house while I was grilling filet mignon for dinner. We bought from a local butcher and marinated them in rock salt – twelve hours on one side and then twelve hours on the other. They turned out absolutely magnificent, better than what I usually get at five-star steakhouses. I much prefer my own as it bothers me to pay a high price for something that’s not as good as what I make.

Battleship Leviathan 4 – Leviathan’s Trial
Is available right now!

Peace is earned, not given.
Aliens are seizing planets at the edge of Berantz space. Earth Fleet sends an armada to investigate.
Word reaches the Vestrall home planet of the encroachment. Declan Payne knows what has to be done – convince Leviathan to investigate. Peace through superior firepower, through the threat of annihilation.
But Lev is retired. And so is Team Payne.
The choice is taken out of their hands.
Join Declan Payne and his team as they return to a new front in a never-ending war to keep humanity safe.
Read it today!
And then what’s next? How about Battleship Leviathan 5 – Leviathan Rises! Which I am writing right now. Just getting into it, but if you want to see it as it takes shape or any of my books that I’m working on before the general public sees them (usually a month or three before release), then join my patreon.

Judge, Jury, & Executioner 15 – Say My Name is finished. We’ve already changed the release date to April 27. I hope you don’t mind…

The arrogance of success. The criminality of using it to crush people under one’s thumb.
A license to destroy. More than a single life, entire cultures replaced.
For a few credits more.
Find the crime!
Rivka can’t touch him or can she? Will he allow it? In this part of space, he calls the shots.
The Federation is on the outside looking in.
From the frontier, a single business starts to take over. Not a crime family, like Nefas, but a single individual forcing people to sell their souls. Unlimited power.
Like Satan has returned and demanded payment.
You’ll know his name, soon enough. “Say my name!”
Is what he’s doing illegal? Rivka is going to find out. Can she stop him if it’s not against the law?

Stop by my website for more – immerse yourself in the fantastic worlds of Craig Martelle
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