Greetings from the Sub-Arctic!
Welcome back to Alaska! I thought last week was bad. As I write this, temperatures have dropped another twenty degrees. Right now, it’s -26F/-32C in town. It’s a little warmer at our house, -12F/-24C.
Poor Stanley. He’s okay with the short walks that extreme cold mandates. I can’t breathe well in these temperatures, although my wool scarf gives me a little respite.

A fox ran through the woods and left tracks everywhere. Stanley stuffed his dog face into every one of those footprints. I have to think they all smelled the same. Like a fox. Here’s a good shot of Stanley’s snow face. It wasn’t even that bad when I took this at plus 7F.
Keep reading to the bottom because there’s a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card just to thank you for reading my newsletter :). I’ll also send a newsletter on Nov 26, Black Friday (that’s the day after Thanksgiving which is this week, if time has escaped you like it has me) to announce the release of Ian Bragg 4 – A Fatal Bragg. Heretic hits the shelves next Monday, November 29th. It’s a big week for great books (I know, I‘m biased).
And if you don’t have a Kindle Unlimited subscription but would like to try one, now’s the time. Four months for $4.99 – this link should take you to it, I hope…
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Glory – If you pre-ordered it, check your Kindle. If not, now is the time to pick it up with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
One last chance to save humanity. One last chance for Glory.
Humanity sues for peace with the most powerful alien force the universe has ever seen.

Why did the aliens agree? Or did they?
Captain Drake, drummed out of the service twenty years earlier for a crime he didn’t commit. His ship, mothballed. His crew, disbanded and sent to the four corners of Earth.
Until Drake is needed again for his ability to overcome vast odds. For his tactical genius. Given his ship and a new crew paired with relics of the past. He’s asked to do the impossible.
He’s the only one who can save humanity from itself.
Save them all from the alien horde.
Glory. More than a ship. It is humanity’s will to survive.
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What is coming over the next two weeks?
A Fatal Bragg – Ian Bragg 4
coming on November 26
Marines are being murdered…
…and it takes someone outside the government to fix the problem.

It’s a race against the clock to dismantle a group that’s been in place for years. They’re well-funded, too and armed with weapons they shouldn’t have. Authorities are stymied. Ian and Jenny Bragg are not so constrained
It’s supposed to be a single target. What if the target may not be the target at all, but a pipeline to those who need to be in Ian Bragg’s sights?In an organization like the Peace Archive, contracts tend to take on a life of their own. When it comes to imparting justice, the operators become the last line of defense with only one chance to get it right.
A Fatal Bragg introduces a character from long ago – Rick Banik! Rick’s first book will be on sale next week for 99 cents (US/UK only), but it’s in Kindle Unlimited, too. Get caught up now with People Raged and the Sky Was on Fire.

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Heretic (Zenophobia #1)
Only 99 cents
An anthropomorphic space opera: Think Island of Dr. Moreau meets Indiana Jones in space. A ragtag band of enemies on a search for the Truth. It’s already on sale for good people to dive in early. Get it on pre-order for only 99 cents, and it’ll be waiting for you at midnight Nov 28, ready for Cyber Monday.
Coming November 29

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Leviathan’s Last Battle
The Vestrall fight back, but Leviathan stands in their way. And Major Payne opens a new front in the war.
His goal is nothing less than turning the Vestrall’s allies against them to bring peace to the galaxy.
The Vestrall exist, and they have secrets. The war will continue because it suits them.
Humanity must confront the real enemy. They must win or the war will continue for another thousand years. There’s only one ship that can do what needs done.
Leviathan goes on the offensive, traveling deep into Vestrall space to find them and eliminate their ability to make war.
An attack the likes of which the galaxy has never seen.One last battle to determine humanity’s fate.
Coming December 7

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