Units without mutual support are doomed
Greetings from the Sub-Arctic!
The weather is nigh unto perfect. Highs are getting to 60 (16C) and lows are in the 30s (2-4 C). Mosquitoes have reared their ugly heads but they’re still shaky flying. There’s been a little wind lately and that keeps the aerial assault fleet grounded. Like I said, about perfect. I’ve been going out every day to get my steps in, burn those calories and keep heading downward when it comes to weight loss. I need to shed this weight. Fifteen pounds to go and then the ultimate goal is to stay there since I want to live a few more years still.
Here is our bat-cave entrance with the forest in the background. This loops up along the rear of our property line. We need to have this in case the blacktop caves on our main driveway and thanks to the 30,000 pound water truck nearly driving off it, it’s looking a little rough.

You see a hint of green in the trees from the buds. Any day now, they’ll all pop at the same time. We call that day “green-up.” I thought it would happen last week, but it didn’t. There is still snow on the ground in the heavily shaded areas. The ground is drying which means the sinkholes will begin pretty soon as the surface water disappears to flow below ground level.
I checked our forest trail yesterday (it goes through the woods you see in the background above) to make sure it will be ready for Stanley who will be arriving in 19 days.

I can’t eat this right now because it’s a total carb fest, this could be the best mac & cheese I’ve ever had. It’s filling. This is enough for a few meals for a family of four. I couldn’t find the file on my computer so I took a picture of the printout I had done a while ago, using the file on my computer that I can no longer find…

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Lost Contact is out!
From my friend, Nathan Hystad who writes compelling Science Fiction with a twist of dystopia. Those things that are right in my wheelhouse, and I hope they’re in yours, too.

A mysterious object in space.
An archaeologist in search of answers.
A cult hailing the end of the world.
The Bridge awaits…
Rex Walker always wanted to be like his father: a daring, adventurous man, traveling the world in pursuit of mysterious relics. Now Rex is the same age his father was when he disappeared without a trace.
While teaching anthropology at a Boston college, Rex attempts to bury the past, until he discovers a hidden clue he can’t ignore.
With the help of his sidekick Marcus, a former student turned protégé, he teams up with an alien-obsessed billionaire, and they search for the fabled Bridge.
As an unidentified object nears Pluto, speculation surges. The Believers, a fanatical cult, hail it as the homecoming of a distant alien race.
Will Rex solve the puzzle before it’s too late? Find out in Lost Contact, the first installment of The Bridge Sequence by Nathan Hystad, the best-selling author of The Event and Final Days.
The Da Vinci Code meets Contact in this near-future SciFi thriller.

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TJ3GJ3T
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08TJ3GJ3T
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08TJ3GJ3T
Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08TJ3GJ3T
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What else am I working on?
JJE12 – Blood Trade releases on Thursday… Pick it up on pre-order today and get it delivered to your Kindle or your Kindle App smartly at midnight on May 12th.

Leviathan’s War (Battleship: Leviathan Book 2) is well under way. My target to get it finished is May 27, then I’ll immediately begin Leviathan’s Final Battle (Book 3). I want to have this trilogy finished by June 15th so I can get it turned in to Aethon Books to get into their system for publication this fall.
And then Ian Bragg 4 – A Fatal Bragg. That cover is under contract and we should have it in a few weeks. The reviews and sales to book three (The Replacement) have fallen off rather significantly. That tells me this series has flopped. We’ll see what book 4 does. After that,, I’ll be writing Rick Banik’s second book. Let’s dig back into the three-letter agencies and cesspool that is politics in Washington D.C.
Love – Haight is a book about a paranormal court, where everyone’s rights are protected, and justice comes for the lawbreakers. A little humor, romance, horror, and mystery. I have the two books for that series to be published, but we decided to hold off on the summer. We’ll publish the first book in August and the second book one month later.
A new coming-of-age fantasy series that I am co-authoring. We are nearly at the end of book one. We need to think up a title and series name.
A military sci-fi series that I’m working on as a co-author. This one is plodding along, but we’ll get there.
I’m sure there’s more…
“Units without mutual support are doomed”
Where did that quote come from? I tweaked it up from the Marine Corps Small Unit Leaders Manual and used it as a chapter header in Leviathan’s War.
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Craig Martelle Stories available for free!
The Green Door of Fate (an audiobook) – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/sjzsmyj5nr or get it as an ebook – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/m4p4psj0t9
Fear Peace – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/nzhwlsdy1w (a story of galactic betrayal)
The Tide Changes – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/efxi5f4kjw (A tale from the Four Horsemen Universe)
Fall Before the Spring – https://BookHip.com/VFBKFS (a Marine’s second chance)
The Outcast – https://BookHip.com/RDPFHQ (when punishment requires service)
Information War – https://BookHip.com/GPQBFZ (there’s more than one way to meet aliens)
Jacob Wild McKilljoy – https://BookHip.com/MFWNLH (a ridiculous comedy romp)
Just One More Fight – https://BookHip.com/GPLSVB (who is the alien?)
A Galactic Affair – https://BookHip.com/QADTF (what if the aliens choose who represents humanity?)
The Human Experiment – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/8g82o72oju (a full-length Sci-Fi novel, in case you haven’t downloaded it yet)
A Builder’s Angst – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/jm2lqbgxlb (building a megastructure to replace Earth)
A Language Barrier – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/wmue1fwjqz (communication is not a given)
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Craig Martelle’s Other Books (listed by series, also available in audio)
- Terry Henry Walton Chronicles* (co-written with Michael Anderle) – a post-apocalyptic paranormal adventure
- Gateway to the Universe* (co-written with Justin Sloan & Michael Anderle) – this book transitions the characters from the Terry Henry Walton Chronicles to The Bad Company
- The Bad Company* (co-written with Michael Anderle) – a military science fiction space opera
- Judge, Jury, & Executioner* – a space opera adventure legal thriller with Bad Company cameos
- Shadow Vanguard – a Tom Dublin series
- Superdreadnought* (co-written with Tim Marquitz)– an AI military space opera
- Metal Legion* (co-written with Caleb Wachter) – a military space opera
- The Free Trader* – a young adult science fiction action adventure
- Cygnus Space Opera* – A young adult space opera (set in the Free Trader universe)
- Zenophobia – an alien archaeological space adventure, coming late 2021
- Battleship: Leviathan – a military sci-fi adventure, coming late 2021
- Glory (co-written with Ira Heinichen) – pure military sci-fi, coming late 2021
- Darklanding* (co-written with Scott Moon) – a space western
- Mystically Engineered (co-written with Valerie Emerson) – Mystics, dragons, & spaceships
- End Times Alaska* – a Permuted Press publication – a post-apocalyptic survivalist adventure
- Nightwalker (a Frank Roderus series) with Craig Martelle – A post-apocalyptic western adventure
- End Days* (co-written with E.E. Isherwood) – a post-apocalyptic adventure
- Krimson Empire (co-written with Julia Huni) – a galactic adventure
- Successful Indie Author* – a non-fiction series to help self-published authors
- Leader Within – a standalone non-fiction book about leadership
- Metamorphosis Alpha – stories from the world’s first science fiction RPG
- The Expanding Universe – science fiction anthologies
- Monster Case Files (co-written with Kathryn Hearst) – A Warner twins mystery adventure
- Rick Banik* – Spy & terrorism action adventure
- Ian Bragg* – A hitman with a conscience
Books published by Craig Martelle, Inc
- The Dragon’s Call by Angelique Anderson & Craig A. Price, Jr. – an epic fantasy quest
- A Couple’s Travels – a non-fiction travel adventure series
- Mischief Maker by Bruce Nesmith – contemporary fiction on Norse mythology
- Love-Haight by Jean Rabe and Donald J. Bingle – a mystery, horror, humorous, paranormal legal drama

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