Greetings from the Sub-Arctic!
It’s been snowing most of the last four days. It’s not bad if you like being buried. Our house and yard are under a solid four feet. The picture is from in front of our garage. We drove out on Saturday when there was only about four to six inches on the ground. Those are my big truck’s tire tracks, mostly filled in with new stuff from overnight. This is probably the last big snowfall of the season.
The piles you see at the back of my parking pad are about seven-feet high. I used to have reflective markers to detail the plowing limits. Those are well and truly buried. We’ll find them in May. It took me three hours on my tractor to clear up this mess and that included getting stuck, having an asthma attack, staggering into the house, recovering, having my wife help me get unstuck, and then finishing the plowing.

Otherwise, my wife and I have both had our second Pfizer vaccine. We will be at full efficacy come April 17th. Whether you choose to get the vaccine or not is a personal decision, but just like trying to drive without a license, I don’t see them allowing travelers anytime soon who don’t have the magic card with them. In the Marines, they vaccinated me for everything. I’m good with getting jabbed and turned loose. Yesterday, while I was waiting for my wife, I watched hundreds of people streaming into and out of the Carlson Center (our hockey rink and convention center). It was like a massive party – it was the look of hope.
Today’s issue has some good stuff, a sale, a free book, and you’ll also get an opportunity to win some audiobooks! Plus, a gratuitous picture of Stanley – seven weeks and counting until I drive to Anchorage to pick him up.
Read on.
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The First Hit – An Ian Bragg short story!
They say the first is the hardest…
This anthology contains the only Ian Bragg short story – his first hit. How did it go? Pick up Make Them Pay to find out. And you might find another thriller author or three you find enticing. There’s a lot to choose from.
This is in Kindle Unlimited so no need to pay full price. Read it as part of your subscription.

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Cygnus Rising – the follow-on series to the Free Trader.
Only 99 cents on all platforms.
Humans take their cats to space and immediately regret their decision.
The first in a series and this one is available on all retailers.

From the ashes of their past, Cygnus was rising.
Following in the footsteps of their forefathers, humanity returns to space to explore, learn what the galaxy has to offer, maybe even return to Earth. Cain, the great-great-grandson of the ones who brought peace and free trade back to Planet Cygnus VII, finds himself challenged to live up to the deeds of his ancestors, driven to excel he joins the Space Exploration Service trying to earn a position on the latest deep space exploration vessel.
But space is a dangerous place, where the risks are great and the rewards fleeting.
All Other Platforms (Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo)
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My leadership book Leader Within is finally out and now available on all platforms.
Are you in a leadership position and aren’t sure why you’re people aren’t following you?
Are you moving into a position soon and are deathly afraid (appropriately so, but you need not be)?
Are you confident of your leadership abilities but not getting the results you think your team is capable of?
Then this book is for you. It’s like a casual conversation with someone who has learned the lessons the hard way, but found the right track in time to deliver eye-popping results. For the team and the project, unleash the Leader Within.

All Other Platforms (Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo) – https://books2read.com/LeaderWithin
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The Bad Company – the follow-on series to the Terry Henry Walton Chronicles and the first book in the blockbuster Bad Company series.
This week, it’s FREE to buy.
Humanity’s greatest export—Justice.
Space is a dangerous place, even for the wary, especially for the unprepared. The aliens have no idea. Here comes the Bad Company.

Military science fiction with characters you would love to hang out with.
Start it today!
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What else am I working on?
Enter for a chance to win the first three Ian Bragg audiobooks from Audible!
This link is for those who use Audible US – https://kingsumo.com/g/wjwyyb/ian-bragg-thriller-audio-us-giveaway
And this link is for those who use Audible UK – https://kingsumo.com/g/zmc59q/ian-bragg-thriller-audio-uk-giveaway

Sign up for a chance to win one of five US or one of five UK complete audiobook sets.
Next off the checklist is Battleship: Leviathan. I recently finished book one. This is the first of a three-book series, military science fiction at its finest. This book won’t be published for a while. It is part of a three-book set that I contracted with Aethon Books. They will publish it and do the heavy lifting with the promotions.
I’ve finished Tom Dublin’s Alien Genocide, Book 5 in his Shadow Vanguard series. Tommy passed away a couple years ago. This fulfills part of my promise to finish the series for him. The book is on pre-order for May 10th, but we’ll get it out before the end of April. And then I’ll get to work on book 6, Family Reunion to wrap up the series by the end of summer.
Xenophobia: Heretic was the first book in a trilogy that I wrote last fall. I have a co-author who will write the next two books in that series. When I ran it past a few science fiction readers, they liked the story. I did not, but it’s already written, so might as well put it out there. I can see this series become my most popular when we publish it this fall. Brad Torgersen and I should have Book 2 finished by September and Book 3 finished by November. We’ll probably publish Book 1 in October, Book 2 in November and Book 3 in December, dropping them hard and fast.
I’ve started Judge, Jury, & Executioner book #12, Blood Trade and am about half way-finished already! I’ll complete that story by the third week in April, and we’ll publish it on May 13th. It’s already available for pre-order.
And Craig Martelle, Inc has licensed a few titles to publish.
Mischief Maker is a new book by the former VP of TSR for books and the designer of a number of the Elder Scrolls video games. A new take on Norse Mythology set in the modern world. This is a fresh and innovative contemporary fantasy story. I think you’re going to like it.

Love – Haight is a book about a paranormal court, where everyone’s rights are protected, and justice comes for the lawbreakers. A little humor, romance, horror, and mystery.
A new, untitled coming-of-age fantasy series that I am co-authoring. We are meeting for about a half hour a week to discuss progress and review current words. It is a gripping tale of a young lady trying to understand the gift she has which could also be her curse. Fun, intense, and a little allegory action, too.
A military sci-fi series that I’ll also work on as a co-author to punch up the combat action scenes and military interaction. The author on this one is an exceptional talent who will go far.
I’m sure there’s more going on. Stay tuned…
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Craig Martelle Stories available for free!
The Green Door of Fate (an audiobook)- https://dl.bookfunnel.com/sjzsmyj5nr or get it as an ebook – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/m4p4psj0t9
Fear Peace – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/nzhwlsdy1w (a story of galactic betrayal)
The Tide Changes – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/efxi5f4kjw (A tale from the Four Horsemen Universe)
Fall Before the Spring – https://BookHip.com/VFBKFS (a Marine’s second chance)
The Outcast – https://BookHip.com/RDPFHQ (when punishment requires service)
Information War – https://BookHip.com/GPQBFZ (there’s more than one way to meet aliens)
Jacob Wild McKilljoy – https://BookHip.com/MFWNLH (a ridiculous comedy romp)
Just One More Fight – https://BookHip.com/GPLSVB (who is the alien?)
A Galactic Affair – https://BookHip.com/QADTF (what if the aliens choose who represents humanity?)
The Human Experiment – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/8g82o72oju (a full-length Sci-Fi novel, in case you haven’t downloaded it yet)
A Builder’s Angst – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/jm2lqbgxlb (building a megastructure to replace Earth)
A Language Barrier – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/wmue1fwjqz (communication is not a given)

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Craig Martelle’s Other Books (listed by series, also available in audio)
- Terry Henry Walton Chronicles* (co-written with Michael Anderle) – a post-apocalyptic paranormal adventure
- Gateway to the Universe* (co-written with Justin Sloan & Michael Anderle) – this book transitions the characters from the Terry Henry Walton Chronicles to The Bad Company
- The Bad Company* (co-written with Michael Anderle) – a military science fiction space opera
- Judge, Jury, & Executioner* – a space opera adventure legal thriller
- Shadow Vanguard – a Tom Dublin series
- Superdreadnought* (co-written with Tim Marquitz)– an AI military space opera
- Metal Legion* (co-written with Caleb Wachter) – a military space opera
- The Free Trader* – a young adult science fiction action adventure
- Cygnus Space Opera* – A young adult space opera (set in the Free Trader universe)
- Darklanding* (co-written with Scott Moon) – a space western
- Mystically Engineered (co-written with Valerie Emerson) – Mystics, dragons, & spaceships
- End Times Alaska* – a Permuted Press publication – a post-apocalyptic survivalist adventure
- Nightwalker (a Frank Roderus series) with Craig Martelle – A post-apocalyptic western adventure
- End Days* (co-written with E.E. Isherwood) – a post-apocalyptic adventure
- Krimson Empire (co-written with Julia Huni) – a galactic adventure
- Successful Indie Author* – a non-fiction series to help self-published authors
- Metamorphosis Alpha– stories from the world’s first science fiction RPG
- The Expanding Universe – science fiction anthologies
- Monster Case Files(co-written with Kathryn Hearst) – A Warner twins mystery adventure
- Rick Banik* – Spy & terrorism action adventure
- Ian Bragg* – A hitman with a conscience
- The Dragon’s Call by Angelique Anderson & Craig A. Price, Jr. – an epic fantasy quest
- A Couple’s Travels – a non-fiction travel adventure series

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