It has turned cold afresh here in sunny Fairbanks. 14F yesterday morning with high winds. Even Phyllis didn’t want to be out in that. The trees and noise of the wind scare her. So we came back early from our walk.
The northern lights were out again yesterday morning. That’s four mornings in a row. It makes even the cold all right to watch the sky and the wonderment filling it.
I taught the third session of my course on self-publishing at UAF. I have one more to go. I’ll be doing a ten-class session in the fall because there is so much to the self-publishing business and by gauging the authors in the class, we need all of that time and then some. I’ll get my course stuff submitted to the office when I teach my final class on Tuesday.
I have two books coming out next week. The next book in the Bad Company, which is the 17th book with Terry & Char as the main characters – started with the Terry Henry Walton Chronicles, then Gateway to the Universe, and now The Bad Company. Look for Destroyer coming on Monday, April 8th.
On Tuesday, we have the first book in a new Post-Apocalyptic series originally written by Frank Roderus. He passed away in 2015 and we’ve acquired the rights to this series that was discovered after he passed. We have the first four books ready to go. You’ll get Nightwalker 1 on April 9th. This is a great story written in a folksy style that Frank was known for.
Back to work. I think we’ll publish Bad Company 6 on May 20th:) Which means I have some storytelling to do.
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