Monster Case Files – Montauk Monster will be published on March 4th by LMBPN Publishing. It’ll be exclusive to Amazon which means that you’ll get it at no additional cost as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription. If you want to buy them, each volume will be only $2.99.
Each book will have pen & ink drawings by Sumit. I promise fun, adventure, mystery, and yes, even a little danger…
The series will be 24 books published every two weeks from March 4th for the rest of the year!
What is this madness? The first story in the upcoming Monster Case Files series is FREE! All I’m asking is to add your email address to my Cozy Mystery email list so that I can notify you when each new story goes live. I won’t share that email with anyone else for any reason. I will be the only one to use it to announce my new releases for my cozy mystery series and other promotions I’ll run related to Monster Case Files.
Until then, enjoy this story, Real Ghosts, the first in the Monster Case Files, for free.

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